== SmallSolar December Adventures ==

Day Two


Day Two

Minimal day today, did a tiny bit of OPL coding on my Psion Series 5 while on the train but its only a 12 minute journey so not that long - I did enjoy working on the Series 5, considering it was released in 1997 it still is probably the best portable writing device out there.

Following that I planned to start documenting my solar setup but fell into the trap of running a solar powered server which is designed to turn off at night when its got a low battery (or predicts poor solar power for the day) and therefore when I got round to actually doing some work found it was offline. While the original point of the system was an experiement in sustainabilty it has developed into a an experiment into the challenges of working with a system that isn’t always online. What I have learnt from running the solarcene.community mastodon instance (which runs on the solar server) is that when it is offline the best thing to do is enjoy that its offline!

Perhaps more tomorrow.